Thursday, December 14, 2006

Sacred sites being destroyed - no consultation with Nyungah People

Sacred sites being destroyed - no consultation with Nyungah People
Letter from the Nyungah Circle of Elders

From the Perth Indymedia newswire - December 13, 2006

"We are writing to you to let you know what is going on, and to ask for your assistance, your help and support concerning our Ancient Sites... some being destroyed right now as far as we know by Westralia Airports Corporation... at the International Airport."

"Nyungah/Nyoongar People will have been taken for a ride and been treated with contempt, with no regard or respect... as far as we know, going full steam ahead destroying our Sites.

"Bulldozers cannot begin to work until full consultation under the Aboriginal Heritage Act has been carried out and completed with Nyungah Elders and Custodians, and WAC has gone through all the proper processes of the Aboriginal Heritage Act..."

"Both Ministers have powers given by the Parliaments to protect Aboriginal Heritage Act of WA in 1972, the Federal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act in 1984.

"Australia is acting as a hypocrite. It is genocidal. It is destroying the possessions of our children and children's children and all the coming generations that is passed on to them by 400 generations before them, before Jesus Christ, before the Pyramids, before Stonehenge.

"There was no consultation with us Elders or any Nyungah People, no consideration by the Government's Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee, no consent given by the State Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Sheila McHale, under the Aboriginal Heritage Act..

"We have asked the Minister to take out a Supreme Court Injunction to stop work, and let the Court decide. No response. The law is being flouted. Look what happens to us if we flout the law.

"We have applied to the Federal Minister for Heritage, Ian Campbell, to use his powers under his Act. No response, no decision...

"The Nyungahs' Native Title has now been recognised (19 September 2006) by Justice Wilcox in the Federal Court. We were unlawfully invaded. We the Nyungah People of the Swan River and Swan Coastal Plains are the Traditional Owners and the Custodians of the Airport Land, Munday Swamp and all the other wetlands. We will inevitably one day be recognised as the Original Sovereign Owners of the Land, whether WAC, BGC, Water Corp and others accept it or not."


Perth Nyoongar native title claim upheld by Fed court - State to appeal

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